Hail Damage
Not that kind silly! On my truck :)
Those of us in Lawrence recall that last Sunday night a fierce storm raged. It rained; there was thunder, lightning...and hail. I collected a few of the golf ball sized hail as mementos of the occasion. The next morning I noticed several unmistakable dents in my otherwise gorgeous truck. Hail yes! Jackpot!! Normal people probably don't think like this when they discover really bad hail damage, but my truck carries full coverage insurance with a low deductible. Hooray for Dad! I'm not sure what the payout will be, but it will likely cover the costs of my trip.
Those of us in Lawrence recall that last Sunday night a fierce storm raged. It rained; there was thunder, lightning...and hail. I collected a few of the golf ball sized hail as mementos of the occasion. The next morning I noticed several unmistakable dents in my otherwise gorgeous truck. Hail yes! Jackpot!! Normal people probably don't think like this when they discover really bad hail damage, but my truck carries full coverage insurance with a low deductible. Hooray for Dad! I'm not sure what the payout will be, but it will likely cover the costs of my trip.