Meet Patti!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Shopping list

Sometimes I write goofy things on my list just for fun.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Movin' on Down

I've made a life altering decision. I just got off the telephone with Sunflower Broadband, and I've disconnected my service. No, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it kind of is to me.

This semester I'm taking a class called Pharmacy Management. Talking about money makes me squirm, and this class has really been challenging for me. One of our assignments was to find out where we're spending money and make a personal budget. Not surprizingly, I've been spending a lot on "crap I don't need". Time to cut corners. The obvious choice was for me to lose the cable and internet. I can use internet on campus and watch DVDs or network, or I dunno, read a freakin' book instead of watching cable TV. I really think it will be a great thing for me, although it stings right now. I've been too spoiled for too long.

Bottom line: I will still update my blog, although perhaps not as frequently. And don't be upset with me if I don't return emails as quickly.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Cafeteria Story

I worked at the hospital this weekend. I typically sit in the cafeteria during my lunch break. This was the case on Sunday. I had brought leftovers (delicious new recipe) and was studying some notes. It was quiet and peaceful, and all was going well as it tends to on Sundays. I took lunch late and there were very few people in the cafeteria.

Then, a few tables away, I noticed a man start to choke. He was sitting alone, and I thought he might need some help. He seemed distressed. I thought to myself, "Great. A huge building full of trained health care professionals and I'm the only one here to help this dude." By the way, I've allowed my basic life support certification to lapse. Oops. I started to stand when I noticed that he was quite obviously able to breathe. He must have worked himself into a panic because he was hyperventilating. I sat back down, relieved that I was not called upon to give a stranger the Heimlich maneuver that day. Anyway, you'd think the whole thing would be over at this point but it soo wasn't.

I turned my attention back to my notes and my leftovers. Some of the guy's colleagues (I think he might be a respiratory therapist, which is somewhat ironic) joined him at his table. His eyes were watering, and they of course asked if he was ok. He said that something was stuck in his throat and that it was scratching. One of them offered to give him the Heimlich, and he refused opting instead to try to dislodge the object himself. What followed were the least appetizing sounds I have ever heard. The guy was doing anything he could think of to get rid of the bit of crust or whatever. He was sitting at the table, while everyone around was trying to eat, making these gross gagging and coughing noises. I was less than pleased, as was everyone else. It registered on their faces.

Again, someone offered to whack him on the back. He accepted. "Finally!" I thought. Surely this would end the madness. But no. It was not to be. The loathsome noises continued for more than 20 minutes total. Eventually I returned to work, dissatisfied and displeased, but with this story to tell.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Molly and I went to Walmart tonight, and these are the hoochie shoes. No, I did not buy them. You can't see it very well, but there's a green light in the heel. It and a red light blink with each step. Very flashy! Posted by Picasa

Has anyone heard Jacksonville City Nights (Ryan Adam's new album) yet?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hoochie Shoes

I just returned from a trip to Walmart to buy shampoo, dishwasher soap, and other boring items. I, like most other women, love shoes. It makes no sense that I would love to try on shoes, but HATE feet. Whatever, I'm weird. So I gravitated towards the shoe section. The first pair that caught my eye made me think, "Those are soo hoochie! I have to try them on." So, I did. AND THE HEELS LIT UP! I laughed out loud. These were a pink flip flop style (ok thong), with a slight heel. A style that makes no sense to me and is in fact a pet peeve of mine. What the heck? Don't misunderstand, these were not shoes that I would ever buy, but I like to try on all kinds of shoes for fun. It's a slightly more mature version of "dress up" I suppose. Does anyone else do this?

My Wandering Mind

Today, the lectures were especially boring. Then maybe it's just me; today was a very long day. Anyway, whatever the reason I had a very hard time paying attention. Here are a couple of things I came up with to entertain myself.

1. I like that combinations of drugs are sometimes called "cocktails". I picture myself behind a bar mixing potions. Sometimes I invent names for what would be my signature mixes.

2. It cracks me up to hear an enzyme referred to as "promiscuous". I guess some enzymes will cleave just about anything that crosses its path. An enzyme in lipstick and fishnet. Good stuff.


In other new, I finally got a raise!! I now earn OVER half of what Walgreen's is paying! Seriously though, I am very grateful for this raise as it was quite substantial and was a long time coming. All of the student employees on campus got a wage increase and my boss was great about helping us out. I was worried that the increase wouldn't apply to us, but she worked hard on it and won the battle!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Renaissance Festival

Good Morrow.
Yesterday, on the half year of my birth, Meghan and I attended the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. Verily, t'was all two fair maidens could have wished, and was above all else interesting. We had a blessedly good time. My most favorite attraction was the jousting. Sir William defeated the brutal Sir Roderick. T'was most splendid. We also enjoyed the dialogue of passers-by, smoked fowl, the joyful dancing of fairies and gypsies, battle re-enactments, magicians, and a torture museum. There were wenches aplenty. Grammercy, good people, and fare-thee-well.

P.S. Yes, I feel like a complete tool.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Today's Biggest News...

...Can be found here!!!

Does it mean anything?

On each and every cloudy day I can find a map of Britain and Ireland in the clouds. It's not like I even try, I just look at the sky and there it is. Sometimes continental Europe is there as well, but usually not. The most recent time I noticed it was last week at volleyball. There were others that can vouch that it did in fact look like Britain, so I don't think the reason is that I'm crazy.

Friday, September 09, 2005

My Redneck Phase

It's official...I'm going through a redneck phase. It's inevitable really. A few friends turned their heads when I bought my truck. That was in the beginning. It has progressed. I have two examples.

1. H-less, Ro, and I played tennis the other day. Megan sported a sweet t-shirt with cutoff sleeves. It was a thing of beauty. Before then, I had never really considered this article of clothing. Then yesterday, she came over to borrow my tennis gear. Megan appeared in my doorway wearing yet another cutoff t-shirt. It inspired me. I mean, it's a t-shirt but it doesn't have sleeves, so it's nice and cool. Perfect. I went straight to my dresser, selected a shirt, and cut off the sleeves and collar.

2. My dad used to race dirtbikes. When I got my scooter a little over a year ago, we talked about souping it up to make it go faster. Dad has a strong need for speed. We had it deregulated when I bought it. Most scooters less than 50cc are governed to only go 30mph. Yesterday I got a series of emails from my Dad. He had been shopping on ebay motors for scooter parts. The emails were "auctions I might be interested in". One of the emails is particularly amusing. Here is the email along with a picture of one of the aforementioned parts:

"the guy in the questions part of his ebay ad says that.......he used it for about 5 minutes on his Zuma, (popi wipes a laughter tear from his eye) and he had to take it off, made his scoot too scary fast......we could always do the same if you thought it was tooooo badass! honestly? I don't believe just the pipe and variator could make a huge (dramatic) difference. HOWEVER......the pipe, variator, AND THE BIG BORE KIT would prob be a different story."

I should mention that be "big bore kit" would make my 49 1/2 cc scooter 70cc and that I think that this after market exhaust pipe is spectacular.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How about a picture of Richard Simmons swinging in the clouds. Why not? Posted by Picasa

Galan striking a pose on my scooter. What you can't see is that he is insane with jealousy. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 05, 2005

Gooooooooo!!! Just for some contrast, here is an ugly dog. Actually, he's the world's ugliest dog with his own webpage even. Andrew told me about him. He's really really old and has a lot of warts. Also, he likes to chew on his hind legs for some reason. Gross. Posted by Picasa

An adorable picture of my buddy, the often mentioned Jake taken with my sweet new camera. Is there a way to get rid of blue eye? He looks a little evil. I used the red eye setting, but it didn't make any difference. Posted by Picasa

I told Jake I was going to take his picture, so he turned his head like Napoleon Dynamite. That must be his good side. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Scooter Droppings: Two Vignettes

I. I started my morning with an 8 am yoga class. (I've always wanted to participate in a KU Fit class.) I felt quite Lawrencian as I strapped my purple yoga mat onto my scooter with bungee cords. Although the air was crisp, my eyelids were heavy. About half-way to the Rec Center I noticed the purple color suspiciously missing from my mirrors. In my early morning stupor, I hadn't attached the bugees tightly enough. My yoga mat had fallen off at some point during my scoot. I turned around to retrace my tracks. The mat was in the middle of the street just outside my complex's parking lot. Thankfully it is not a busy street and didn't likely cause any accidents.

II. This afternoon after class and a meeting, I dropped off Andrew at his house. (He rode with me on my scooter. Sweet!) I was on my way home when the thing I have been vaguely fearing for 2 years happened. As I was making a left turn from Kentucky onto 9th, my flip-flop slipped off my foot. This happened of course in the moment when traffic started moving and I was picking my feet up. I couldn't exactly stop to fix it. Embarrassing. It wasn't a big deal, and I just had to go back and get it like the yoga mat.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mad Hot Volleyball

Last night I got together with some friends for some v-ball action. Mimi "The Punisher" Pringle kept us on our toes with her wicked serves. Ro sacrificed her body and face to get a shot, and H-Less did whatever it play in the sand. There was a lot of bump, set, and spike action; except not so much setting or spiking. It was almost exclusively bumping. That will change in coming weeks, I expect. I met some of Jessica's friends. Thi-Thi and Myrinda played as well. It was a good group of girls and it was a lot of fun.
Next week we are going to play on Thursday at 6. If you are reading this, consider yourself invited. I hope to have my new digital camera next time. It has been shipped and will be here sometime in the next 2-178 days. Who knows. I feel the urge to document everything. I'm going to be one of those multimedia parents like my dad. Maybe I can get an action shot of Rofo hitting herself in the face with the ball again. One can only hope. I also hope that there will be fewer bruises next week. Yup.