Meet Patti!

Monday, July 31, 2006

No Longer A Lawrencian

Today at about 4:15 I surrendered the keys to my Lawrence apartment. So very sad. Of course I'm now just right down the road. Myrinda and I met for coffee here in Kansas City this evening. She is keen to point out the wonderful new things that surround me. She's right. Even the coffee shop we went to was full of character. There are art museums and tango venues. There is a place for me here, I just need to find it. It was never that I didn't like KC, I just really love Lawrence.

Mom came to help me do the apartment cleaning today. It was quite a chore, but we whipped it. Thanks Mom! I got my scooter here and am waiting for a good, somewhat cooler time to take it on a joyride. I hope to find a scooter friendly route to the Med Center, where I will be working for the next two months. Tomorrow I start my rotation with Dr. Eng in geriatrics. It is both exciting and cruel to have to start a new job every month. I am going to extract as much as I can out of this year.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

How U doin?

I am sitting on my new couch, in my new apartment, using my new lappy to pick up free wireless internet and post on my blog. A shout out goes to "Lou" for not securing his wireless network. Life is good. :)

It was less good earlier today, however. I am still recovering from the worst migraine I've had in probably five years. Gross. It was made worse for the fact that I couldn't find my bottle of ibuprofen anywhere. It must be in one of these boxes.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Meet Patti

Inspired by an unusual converation at work today, I am thinking of changing my blog's name to "Meet Patti". What do you think? I'm not sure if it's actually funny or if you just had to be there.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Welcome Home! again

For those who have not heard, I found an apartment in Kansas City! It's in Mission, actually, I think. I got my keys yesterday and started moving in. Shout outs to MegHan for helping me carry stuff and for picking up my keys, to Mimi for hooking me up with a bed (thanks Grant too! it's really his) and to Jessica for the couch. You are some amazing friends.

I plan on moving gradually because of my hectic work schedule. If anyone is ever bored and thinks to themself, "I"m bored. I really wish I had some heavy boxes to carry," give me a call. There is always something to lift.

H-less talked me into going salsa dancing at Westport last night with Ro and some of her work friends. It was great to be able to be home from Westport in about 10-15 minutes. I think this is going to work out just fine. Also, I am told that my apartment should pick up wireless internet from the coffee bar thing down the hall. Now I just need a laptop. :) This place is more of an apartment compound than it is a complex. It has a ton of amenities and is really one huge building with a mess of hallways. Should be interesting.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fashion - Turn to the Left

Here we have a trend I couldn't help but notice in Europe. Becky and I first spotted wild and crazy tights in London or Ireland, but it was much bigger in Slovenia. These pictures were all taken in Ljubljana. At first I thought all the crazy hose were silly, but it eventually grew on me. Now I think they're sassy. With the right skirt of course.

Worth mentioning is the fact that hosiery is most commonly sold in special shops that only sell hosiery and sometimes bikinis. Rarely lingerie. I learned this the hard way when I stepped into a shop that had tacky lingerie in the window. I wanted to look at tights, but they did not have any tights. They had, er, UNUSUAL merchandise for a mall. If you know what I mean. Right there in the mall! I stepped in, my jaw dropped, I stepped out, and laughed out loud for about 5 minutes. Stupid foreigner.

Perhaps this fancypants fad will eventually make it to Kansas. Another fashion prediction: polka dots. I notice that they're all the rage in London.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Rectal Rockets & More!

I'm on rotation this month at a community pharmacy in North Kansas City, about a 50 minute drive that is well worth it because this pharmacy is so great. On my first day I was given an advertisement brochure about compounding services:

"Some of the individualized compounds include: Natural hormones, medications that are no longer manufactured, rectal rocket suppositories, pain relief therapy, facial peels..."

Wait. Did it say rectal rocket? What the crap is that? It is just like you imagine. A rocket shaped suppository with a vent for gas. Lovely.

I have learned a lot already, and I've only been here 3 days. They deal with a lot of geriatric issues, which is an interest of mine. They offer blood pressure checks, HRT/wellness consults, bone density screening, asthma management, immunizations, and diabetes management. I spent most of yesterday afternoon making hormone replacement therepy creams. Every week I get to give a brief presentation about an herbal, and I will have to do 2 journal clubs this month. Also, they are participating in a drug study. I am in pharmacy nerd heaven.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Many thanks to Missy for picking me up at the airport. I can't wait to see you all! There are several more things that I wanted to post from Ljubljana but didn't have time, so you haven't seen the last of my trip.