I'm Bringing Blogging Back
Hooray! Hooray? Yes, hooray for I now have internet access at home. And I'm paying for it like an adult. This means of course that I will be increasing my blogging frequency. As for other news... I am officially a pharmacist now! I passed the boards. So, that's exciting. I've got some time to settle into it. We'll be training for another couple of weeks. It's been a little boring so far, but will get better.
Philly has been treating me well but for the heat. They opened some hydrants today for the kids, and it was fun to see them playing. One kid sprayed me as I drove by. Brat.
Philly has been treating me well but for the heat. They opened some hydrants today for the kids, and it was fun to see them playing. One kid sprayed me as I drove by. Brat.
“Kids these days…
Anonymous, At
~mike, At
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