Meet Patti!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

If Your Friends Jump Off a Cliff...

...will you jump too?

I would, and I did. Twice. First H-less Megan jumped without hesitation as seen below. Then Corey went (right). After being assured by Megan that it didn't hurt, I jumped only to receive the wedgie of a lifetime. Later Megan told me that her landing was in fact painful as well. She had an enormous bruise for a week or something. Liar! We couldn't exactly determine the height from which we jumped, but I think it was about 2 stories. So...quite high indeed.
The weekend at Table Rock Lake was enjoyed by Megan, Ro, Johnny, Cory & Jaime, Lynn & Dave, and myself. Lynn and Dave have the cutest house down there. There is a landing strip nearby, and they sometimes fly their little plane there. It is the vacation home of my dreamings. Oh, and one of the closets in the house has a built in record player.
We went boating, tubing, swimming, and Johnny's favorite: golf carting. Joan prepared an "authentic" Spanish meal of paella and sangria for us all. It involved rice, shrimp, chicken, and mussels. If all the necessary ingredients would have been available, there would have been squid in it too if I understood correctly. Interesting. So in summary: Good food. Good times. Good friends.


  • i've jumped off many a time... the scenario is usually- hey watch me jump off this cliff like a jackass (and hope i don't break my neck)! the current river, black river, johnson shut-in's and i have our fond memories of jumping into the unknown abyss.... i say JUMP!

    By Blogger *sara*, At 10:52  

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