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Friday, July 29, 2005

Channel Surfing

For whatever reason, Sunflower Broadband decided to change the order of channels about a month ago. This means that I mourn the loss of my favorite station, Bravo. But, I now get the Travel Channel, TLC, MTV, VH1, National Geographic, and Animal Planet.

I learned an interesting fact from Animal Planet a minute ago. Aparently the "musk" fragrance in perfume originally came from a deer's anal glands. Nice.

And there is some good footage of Prague, mostly the Charles Bridge, in Kanye West's new video "Diamonds from Sierra Leone". I think it's strange that a rap artist who almost always sports some bling would write a song about the evils of diamond mining.

Lastly, has anyone ever seen Arrested Development? Funny stuff.


  • No Bravo? That sucks. No Blow Out, no Inside the Actor's Studio, no Project Runway (if they ever air another season). Horrible.

    I don't know if you saw that really cool red digital camera that one of the people in the video had, the really little one, but I almost bought it. It is the newest digital camera from kodak. I decided to opt for the Canon Elph partially because of the price and partially because us "normal" people couldn't buy the new kodak until like mid-august and I didn't want to wait that long.

    By Blogger ~mike, At 06:08  

  • i'm addicted to arrested development... i fear every season that it's going to be cancelled!

    By Blogger *sara*, At 06:44  

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