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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Another Roadtrip With Missy

'Twas good times. I'm been putting off writing this post for whatever reason, but yes, the trip was a success. From Nostalgiaville USA to Ozarkland, to the art museum to the interview itself the trip went well. The only glitch was when I shot myself in the foot by being late to the interview. In my defence, I was on time to the location I understood I was to be according to the directions. Alas it was not the right place and I was 15-20 min. late. Ouch. It is especially frustrating because I am generally puntual.

I HIGHLY recommend that anyone going to St. Louis to visit the City Museum. It isn't really a museum in the traditional sense. I call it a "dream factory". There must be something to that because the night after we went there Missy dreamt that she was inside a dinosaur. What's not to love?!?

I have posted many pictures of our adventures on Flickr. You can look at my photos without signing up, but it's kind of tricky. My name on there is "thatweirdgrrl" if you want to find them by doing a member search. Here's a teaser:

Bad ass Missy smoking a candy cigarette style outside Nostalgiaville USA.


  • Is that a candy cigarette? When did they stop selling those? I'm sure you can still buy them online or something, but when did they stop selling them in gas stations? Talk about marketing cigarettes straight at kids, "Hey kids, you're not cool old enough, to buy cigarettes yet, but in the meantime you can at least pretend to smoke!"

    By Blogger ~mike, At 20:14  

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